
______________________ LIFE, FAITH, ETCETERA

No Dancing Allowed! December 13, 2010

Today, for some reason, I was thinking about when Taylor University was still in town. For those outside of the area (Fort Wayne), Taylor was a “Christian College.” It became a satellite of Taylor University in Upland Indiana. Prior to it’s association with Taylor, the Fort Wayne campus was known as Summit Christian College, and before that, Fort Wayne Bible College. There were, I understand, a couple of other names before that.

Like many religious institutions, Taylor had various rules against “worldliness.”
One of the things not allowed at Taylor was dancing.

Enter modern curriculum.

Someone decided that Taylor should offer aerobic dance classes. OK, aerobics certainly provide a valid benefit, but how can an institution that has taken a strong stance against dancing offer such a class?

So, they did what religion always does. They did the kind of thing that always put the Pharisees on Jesus’ “bad side.” They did the exact same thing they condemned others for doing, BUT they called it something else. They changed the name of dancing to “rhythmic movement.”
Instead of a “dance” class, they offered a Rhythmic Movement class!

No people, I’m not joking. As ridiculous as it sounds, that’s exactly what they did.
This is religion in it’s purest, disgusting form. This hypocrisy is the unavoidable outcome of religious legalism.
I’ve seen it time and time again. I still see it. And it seems to totally blind those who engage in it.

I don’t know why this came back to my mind today. I find it laugh-out-loud funny, and frightfully terrible.
I just wanted to share this example while it was on my mind. I’ve written before about the subject in longer blogs.
If you’ve not read any of them, here’s one you might check out:

“Smoking, Sex, and Dung”